Grow Your Business: Chrome, the Must-Have Extension for You.

It is not possible to grow your business acting impulsive, intuitive and individually. Of course all growth requires people’s efforts, but the partnerships made are the ones that will take you to another level with people and other companies. 

The Google Chrome Extension You Need to Grow Your Business

Today, you will get to know the extension for Google Chrome that will make your team management more efficient, in addition to contributing to your relationship with customers and leads through marketing strategies campaigns. 

Continue reading. 

What are extensions 

In simple terms, extensions are like desktop applications that plug into browsers. They come to action when the user accesses a certain web page, extending its usability. And that is where the name comes from. 

In the Chrome Web Store, the store where you install extensions for the Google browser, you will find Blueticks, of which we will talk about in this article. 

Using Blueticks extension to grow your business 

Blueticks adds some features to WhatsApp Web. Ideal for team leaders, entrepreneurs, managers and product managers, it facilitates the information exchange between members of a group while helping to cultivate good relationships with customers. 

Here are two examples of how you can use Blueticks to grow your business. 

  1. Message scheduling 

If the goal is to speed up communication in the company, scheduling messages will come in handy. With Blueticks, you no longer have to keep an eye on the clock waiting for the right time to send a text in the company group. Just schedule the messages. 

Message scheduling

Once it is done, you can focus on your other tasks, because on the scheduled time, the messages will be sent to the chosen recipients (which can also work on private WhatsApp conversations, not just groups). 

  1. Team tasks management 

Speaking of tasks, many leaders struggle to manage the demands of their team. The problem is that without everyone knowing their duties, the team does not delivers well and, consequently, the company struggles to expand its business. 

The good news is that Blueticks also has a task management tool, allowing you to add them directly to your WhatsApp group. Plus, it is possible to assign each task to a coworker and point out the priority level. 

As the person works on the task, he updates the progress with “to do”, “working on it”, “overdue” and “done” indicators. Besides facilitating each employee to organize themselves in the face of demands, it allows the leadership to know in what each one is working on. 

How Blueticks helps you grow your business more directly 

So far, we’ve talked about implementing internal improvements, but Blueticks is also staying ahead in terms of strategies to grow your business. Considering the popularity of WhatsApp in Brazil, many companies want to use it in their marketing strategies, right? 

So, once again Blueticks shows you why it is an essential tool for any business. See the resources below. 

Sending mass messages via WhatsApp 

Yes, you can use Blueticks to send the same message to a contact base which can be your WhatsApp contacts as well as the company’s leads or customers list. 

As a result, launching products, promotions and other marketing releases is much easier — and feasible, since everything is done automatically and the feature requires little setup time. 

It is important to note that Blueticks’ activity does not go against the rules of Meta, the company that controls WhatsApp, but spamming can lead to an account being blocked (since SPAM does infringe the rules). That’s why Blueticks recommends that, before sending any mass message, you build a previous relationship with each recipient. 

WhatsApp integration via API to grow your business 

You know you can’t grow your business without good customer management. Therefore, it is very likely that you have hired a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) service. 

As another way to act directly on increasing your sales, Blueticks allows you to integrate your corporate WhatsApp with any CRM or automation flow via API. Thus, you can schedule campaigns directly from your dashboard, considerably optimizing your time. 

How to download the Blueticks extension 

First, go to the Chrome Web Store and find the search field in the upper left corner. In it, search for “Blueticks” and click on the first result, which shows the address just below the name of the extension. 

Then click the blue “Use in Chrome” button. WhatsApp Web will automatically open, asking you to sync it with your account via QR Code. After connecting, the Blueticks features will already be enabled according to your plan, so you can just start using it. Very interesting, isn’t it? Then install Blueticks and insert it into your team’s workflow. Read this article to learn more about the tool.

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